Consumer product manufacturers always seem to be striving to produce products that are easier to use, are more visually appealing and are improved from previous designs in some way. This kind of innovation often benefits consumers directly. However, new product design models can also harm consumers if these designs are…
Articles Posted in Products Liability
Will compounding pharmacy bill make patients safer?
A few weeks ago, Congress passed a bill inspired in part by last year’s fungal meningitis outbreak that originated at a compounding pharmacy on the east coast. Tainted steroid injections produced by the pharmacy ultimately killed 64 people and made approximately 700 additional patients ill. These defective drugs could potentially…
Motorcycles recalled for clutch problem
Legendary motorcycle company Harley-Davidson has issued a recall for more than 29,000 motorcycles. The recall includes a “do not ride” notice to both owners and dealers because the defect is dangerous and could cause a motorcycle accident. The problem is with the clutch in some 2014 touring models. A spokesperson…
Company being sued for products liability declares bankruptcy
As one Seattle attorney has discovered, pursuing compensation from manufacturers of defective products can become especially difficult when these companies claim to be cash strapped. Companies sometimes file for bankruptcy. This may mean injured individuals and their attorneys will have to find other parties that they can hold accountable in…
The FDA is analyzing link between sleep aids and drowsy driving
Studies have shown consistently in recent years that Americans are not excellent sleepers. In response to our ever-busy cultural approach to work, play and relationships, to the multitude of electronic devices that rule our lives and the pressure many of us feel to be productive late into the evening, Americans…
New rules aim to protect consumers from toxic wood products
Some products are inherently dangerous. When consumers purchase knives, table saw and bleach for example, they understand that they must use great caution when interacting with these products. However, some products are dangerous due to defects, toxins or actions on the part of negligent manufacturers. Oftentimes, consumers are unaware of…
Tightened federal regulation in store for the carbonated alcoholic drink Four Loko
The makers of a popular carbonated alcoholic drink guzzled on college campuses are going to be changing the look of its Four Loko cans to settle the government’s charges of deceptive marketing. Four Loko gained national attention in 2010 after the hospitalization of college students in Washington and other states.…
A Promising Drug With a Fatal Flaw
Just two years after its approval by the FDA, a dangerous flaw in the new drug Pradaxa has come to light. Pradaxa is an anti-clotting drug prescribed to patients with artial fibrillation. When the F.D.A. approved Pradaxa in October 2010, the drug was hailed as the first in a new…
Banana Boat spray-on sunscreen causes skin to catch fire
Although the season for backyard barbeques and sunscreen has come to an end in the Great Northwest, you may want to consider throwing out any Banana Boat spray-on sunscreen products left over from the season. The maker of Banana Boat sunscreen recalled 23 spray-on products saying there was a risk…
Recalled spinal injectables found in Washington State
Federal officials say Washington health facilities didn’t get the spinal injection products that have sickened and killed patients in other states, but state officials say some facilities do have other injectable products from the same company. The products found in Washington hospitals and clinics are included in a second, expanded…