You buy insurance to protect yourself against lawsuits and other claims in the event that you negligently injure another person on the road or at home. But what happens if you injure someone in your own family, even your own child, by accident? Is that same liability insurance available to help compensate your child or injured family member? The short answer is yes. Your child or injured family member may assert an insurance claim against your own liability policy to obtain compensation for their injuries. You should not ignore this important source of compensation that you purchased with your insurance policy.
In the aftermath of a major injury to someone in your family, the immediate focus is on getting appropriate medical attention for the injured child or family member. You may spend days or even weeks at the hospital talking to the doctors or waiting for your family member to come out of surgery. When they return home from the hospital, the medical bills will start to come in and you may begin to confront the permanent changes that will impact your family member for the balance of their lifetime.
Like any other type of insurance, you purchase insurance to protect yourself in the event you cause injury to someone else, even someone in your own family. You should consult with an experienced personal injury lawyer to determine whether your family member is entitled to compensation from your liability policy for the injury and the expenses related to the injury. Although compensation can never erase the harm caused by an accident, it can help provide financial assistance for the consequences of that harm. If you fail to make a claim under these circumstances, you will only benefit the bottom line of your insurance company and let them off the hook for insurance benefits you purchased. Our firm offers a free consultation. You may consult with our firm about a potential claim without obligation. We can tell you if you have a valid claim.