Due to a variety of television programs, films and books devoted to the perils of commercial fishing and oil production, the American public is gaining a better and better understanding of just how dangerous maritime work tends to be. Tragically, not all offshore accidents result only in maritime injury and…
Articles Posted in maritime
Safety focus on the health and fitness of seafarers
Commercial fishing and other maritime work is inherently dangerous. In fact, commercial fishing is America’s most dangerous industry. When seafarers board their vessels and navigate machinery in uncertain weather conditions in open water, they require every possible safety precaution in order to prevent maritime injuries and wrongful death. One key…
Ruling: Longshore Benefit Entitlement Begins on the Day of Injury
A bold and landmark ruling was recently handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court. The Court held that long term disability payments for longshoremen will now be determined by the date the disability or death occurred rather than the date the employee was first awarded compensation. This clarification removes confusion…
Basics of the International Safety Management Code
Seafaring work poses unique dangers that land-based work does not. As a result, American mariners are entitled to the protection of a number of federal laws that regulate shipboard safety and provide remedies for workers who are injured in maritime accidents. In addition to those laws, nearly all seamen –…
Rights of Female Maritime Workers
Seafaring work has long been thought of as a male profession. To a certain extent, that is still true. Although women are increasingly finding their way into maritime work, they still make up less than two percent of all seafaring professionals. However, just because women are in the minority doesn’t…